The Magic Elixir of a Successful Marketing "Machine"...

The Elusive Mastery of creative positioning...

The lightning and thunder of a powerful,
Streamlined Marketing Campaign...

Can you articulate clearly and concisely, in one paragraph or less; one sentence or less, why someone should hire you? Can you distinguish yourself from your competition, and clearly articulate, with ease, the true VALUE of your services? Even if you are heads above these people, which you probably are, ask yourself if your market knows that.

If not, then you have not discovered your true growth potential and you are missing out on an extraordinary opportunity for increased profits and growth within your business.

Discovering what is unique about you, and finding out what DISTINGUISHES you from your competition, from your customers point of view, NOT YOURS, and learning WHY a customer selects you over your competition is the vortex of what makes a great idea into reality.

Introducing Genimation...
(Genesis + Imagination = the birthing of new, innovative marketing ideas for your company)

Genimation is the process that will allow you and your business to reposition itself, visibly within your targeted market, and heads above your competition. Within this highly intensive, uniquely creative, 6-12 hour expertly facilitated brainstorming session with you and other selected staff members, your personal, multi-layered marketing campaign is discovered and developed. (Select your staff participants from various areas of your company, not just management!!)

You cannot build consistent, effective, marketing and advertising without educating your customers as to what you're really representing: 

          ...What it is that YOU ARE to your customers...
          ...that your competitors ARE NOT.

What is so Powerful and Creative about Genimation:
Unlike other traditional marketing firm approaches, this program utilizes all your best resources (you, your staff, and the Genimation brainstorming process) to create and design a marketing program that is absolutely relative to your specific business growth & target market. Through this process, our expert facilitator will guide you and your team toward uncovering your company's current growth barriers, marketing opportunities, and business image from the customers' point of view, and where you want your company to be in the near future. And above all it will outline the strategic, conceptual marketing program vehicle that will get you there!

So, rather than paying thousands of dollars to a marketing firm to develop a program on their own and return to you, 3-months later, with what they "think" you should be doing in your business, we involve you in the process. You know your business better than anyone, so instead, we "train" you and your staff to cater to your market in a way that will totally reposition you from your customers' perspective, not yours. By 
accessing creative, out-of-the-box strategies, we will help tap into powerful implementation by using Relationship Marketing techniques, allowing you to begin to experience exponential growth like you've never experienced before.

Our approach not only involves you in the design of your marketing program and growth strategies, but EDUCATES you and your staff towards the process of repositioning your company for long-term growth and in becoming your own Marketing Geniuses. All of this is executed and synthesized in 45 days.

Imagine Your Entire Staff Moving your Business in
the Same Direction... SIMULTANEOUSLY!

The key to implementing a successful marketing plan is to make sure your entire company "buys into" it, thoroughly understands your growth objectives, and ultimately follows the "program" laid out. Because the session explodes with so much powerful information, the human brain, on an average, can only retain 7%-9% of the words that it hears. Therefore, Jungle Marketing produces a complete audiocassette series of your unique session. This allows you the opportunity to listen to the cassettes and reference the creative ideas produced in the session repetitively, capturing all of the profitable information that you learned. Therefore, this valuable tool should also be used to share your program with other staff members to motivate and educate them on your growth objectives.

You will experience "GENIMATION"; a very potent, proven, brainstorming process used to develop an abundance of creative concepts & move you and your team forward in their thought processes very quickly and efficiently. We UNLOCK the depth of knowledge, expertise, skill, history, talent, and success of your staff and business, we articulate it in a very appealing and compelling way and then present it to your targeted market with a highly creative and powerful campaign.

What Do you Get in your 
Conceptual Marketing Program:

Six weeks after your full-day brainstorming session you will receive a comprehensive conceptual Executive Summary Report complete with:

  • Outline of all the main powerful concepts and strategies invented within your session.
  • A step-by-step sequence of each marketing strategy, complete with an in-depth explanation of the concept itself and why it should be used in your business.
  • Action step sequence outlining your overall implementation program.
  • Provide you with a "broad brush" step-by-step implementation process so you can understand the necessary resources you will need to implement each conceptual strategy.
  • A listing of your target market & the buying criteria you are trying to match through this program.
  • An outline of the profile of your target market and any subsets that may exist.
  • Samples of extremely successful Unique Selling Propositions for you to use as a template in creating your own U.S.P.
  • Samples of Magic Story compositions being used in the business arena right now that reposition businesses with the customer in mind through Relationship Marketing.
  • A timeline chart that will show you when each of the strategies should be implemented.
  • The opportunity to continue working with the Jungle Team on creating and implementing your marketing campaigns.

Your Targeted Program Results...
Currently, your business services and products are "invisible" to your market. We will show you how to translate what your customers do not know or understand (intangible) about your products or services into clearly defined tangible benefits and uniqueness (tangible). As a result, your customers/clients can be "trained" to buy from you and comprehend what it is they are purchasing and its true total value.

Create a marketing program that makes doing business with YOUR COMPANY easy, appealing, desirable, and even exciting for your customers!

You will have, at your fingertips, several detailed concepts and techniques outlined for implementation, resulting in potential exponential growth.

You will have the tools to help you impact your marketing investment for acquisition to customer re-marketing, retention, & customer nurturing programs.

You will be able to create a powerful, measurable referral based system that can work like a machine in bringing you new customers.

Gain the necessary knowledge and concepts behind establishing a solid, highly targeted "A" client base, nurture your "B" clients toward becoming "A's", while "weeding out" your "C" clients.

Learn HOW and WHY you can charge more than anyone else in your marketplace and simultaneously expand your market share!

Increase results in your advertising effectiveness after implementing the BONUS appendix on "Hot Advertising Tips" included in your summary!

Objectives to achieve using each strategy.

Your Marketing Genius Program Session
(1-Full Day of Active Participation)
Spend a day with Jungle Marketing! You and several of your associates or employees, in a highly productive, explosively creative, expertly facilitated brainstorming session utilizing the powerful "Genimation" process, will guide you to produce your own Unique Selling Proposition and conceptual marketing program summary with implementation steps, that will ATTRACT and KEEP your targeted "A" clients!

You and Your Team will Become Marketing Geniuses!
Because you're DEAD SERIOUS about producing a SUCCESSFUL marketing program and growing your business, you've taken this opportunity to review our GENIMATION BRAINSTORMING SESSION PROCESS. The Session will also be your new launching point for the development of your ENTIRE strategic marketing campaign that will be your tool toward moving you to your next level of success.

We will travel to your office location! Call 1-800-444-4094 for more information on available dates.

Now is the time to move your business to the next level.